Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Artist of the Spirit

As an artist of the spirit, the Toltec of today knows there are no rules she must follow, no belief system she is required to embrace, and no leaders to obey. She seeks complete freedom from fear, and absolute surrender to love and acceptance. The modern Toltec discovers a happiness that is the result of love and acceptance flowing out of her, and she knows there is an endless supply of love - it is her nature to love. She embraces life, and dances in joy and gratitude for every moment of her existence. This is the Toltec path and this is the modern spiritual warrior - an artist of the spirit.
~ Allan Hardman The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book

An artist of the Spirit. An Artist of the Spirit. I love that. Wow. I embrace that I am an Artist of the Spirit. I am going to change that quote to be personally for me and embrace it more fully.

As an artist of the spirit, I know there are no rules I must follow, no belief system I am required to embrace, and no leaders to obey. I seek complete freedom from fear, and absolute surrender to love and acceptance. I discover a happiness that is the result of love and acceptance flowing out of me, and I know there is an endless supple of love - it is my nature to love. I embrace life, and dance in joy and gratitude for every moment of my existence. this is my path and I am a modern spiritual warrior - I am an artist of the spirit.

That felt powerful. To own that for myself. To live from that place. To know that I an Artist of the Spirit. And so are you.

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